Whether you believe it or not, each one of us can make a difference in saving our planet from environmental harm and combating global warming. Small actions by everyone of us all add up. We all contribute to either harming the environment or making green decisions to help save our environment. What is your choice?
In the next couple of months there are many green initiatives that we can all participate in. Saturday, March 28, 2009 from 8:30 to 9:30 PM is Earth Hour. Earth Hour is an annual international event created by the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature/World Wildlife Fund), held on the last Saturday of March, that asks businesses and households to turn off their non-essential lights and electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. Earth Hour began in Sydney, two years ago, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability crusade, with 50 million people switching off their lights. Earth Hour 2009 movement intends to reach more than one billion people in 1000 cities around the world, encouraging communities, business and governments to participate.
Earth Day 2009, April 22, will mark the beginning of the Green Generation Campaign. This initiative will culminate with the 40th anniversary of Earth Day in 2010. In conjunction with the Green Generation, thousands of events are currently being planned in schools, communities, villages, towns and cities around the world.
On Saturday April 25th 2009, we are challenging you to make your streets and neighborhoods cleaner, by simply picking up one piece of litter and putting it in the garbage or compost depending on what it is. This could be any discarded piece of trash from the roadside, sidewalk, park, etc. The more people who participate in this event the cleaner and safer our neighborhood will become. Cleaner neigherboorhood day is an initiative launched by Nexplan recycling last year and we plan to make it an annual event with more people participating every year.
It should be noted that while these events are one day, these events are really symbolic to the way we should live everyday of the year. These events are there to remind us the power of each one of us collectively to make a real difference. We must expand these habits beyond just these dates to make a lasting impact and leave a better planet for our children and grandchildren. We need to conserve energy. We need to precycle and recycle. We need to encourage one another to live environmentally friendly lifestyles and hold businesses and goverments accountable for enviromentally harmful practices. We are at a crossroads in regards to the economy and the environment. There never has been a better time to go green. The time for action is now. Are we up for the challenge?
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