Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Herbs and Supplements for Health and Healing. Links to interesting articles

Tragically many people in North America are suffering from disease. Whether it is a form of autoimmune disease such as Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, arthritis or diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s or cancer too many people are being robbed of living a life that they have the potential for.  Big Pharma offers a band aid solution but often not a cure. Many drugs offered by Big Pharma have toxic side effects such as liver damage. In addition many people go into debt due to themselves or family members having health issues, paying for pharmaceuticals not to mention countless over the counter health supplements.  As well, many people are not able to work and their ability to earn a decent income is compromised.  After years of suffering from an auto immune disease myself and not living up to my potential I became passionate about healing the body the natural way. That includes eating as natural as possible and staying away from processed foods laced with toxins and often GMOs. It also includes taking the right high quality supplements, along with herbs and essential oils when needed.  I am neither a medical doctor nor an expert but I am learning and am passionate about natural health.  I would like to share some great links from some trusted sites that my offer some help some with certain health issues or to avoid getting sick to begin with.

May 20 Dandelion is a super herb which can be used in a salad or made as tea. It has amazing health benefits including liver health. See more at http://foodfacts.mercola.com/dandelion-greens.html

April 20 Coconut Oil is awesome. Coconut oil is antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory. There are dozens of uses for coconut oil. For more info see: http://www.naturalnews.com/050274_coconut_oil_household_cleaner_body_care.html

April 20 Magnesium   Many people are deficient in this vital mineral which can lead to chronic fatigue, anxiety and other health issues when you don’t get enough. 
For more info see: The Best and Worst Forms of Magnesium to Take as a Supplement  http://healingthebody.ca/the-best-and-worst-forms-of-magnesium-to-take-as-a-supplement/

April 19 Licorice root is a commonly used herb for treating many health conditions. It tastes great in a tea and can be used in other ways.
 For more information see : http://blogs.naturalnews.com/top-8-ways-heal-naturally-licorice-root/?fb_action_ids=10156751646510133&fb_action_types=og.shares